I am a 2024–2025 A3D3 Postbaccalaureate Fellow, working with Prof. Miaoyuan Liu at Purdue. We are using hls4ml to implement efficient transformers on FPGAs, for applications in the Level-1 Trigger of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider operated by CERN.
I am applying to Ph.D. programs in information science and computer science for fall 2025 entry. I am broadly interested in enabling equitable, ethical, and inclusive societal futures through researching artificial intelligence in a sociotechnical framework, and specifically passionate about fostering connection, collaboration, and constructiveness in online communities using natural language processing (NLP) technologies.
Previously, I was a software engineer at Seeq, which makes data analytics software for process manufacturing companies. I received my Bachelor of Science in physics and theater arts from MIT.
Fun Facts
- Prior to college, my only acting role was the lead, Luzena Wilson, in my fourth grade school musical Gold Dust or Bust.
- I was in the top 0.05% of Julien Baker listeners on Spotify in 2023 and 2024.
- Despite my hometown being Cupertino, California, I have never owned an Apple product.
- I make a really good vegan garlic eggplant (魚香茄子).
- I don't have a driver's license.
I Like
- Making music (singing, guitar, violin, keyboard, and ukulele)
- Writing songs
- Learning languages (Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese Hokkien, Spanish, and toki pona)
- Cooking Taiwanese and Chinese cuisine
- Acting
- Practicing wushu
- Playing board games
- Intentional communities
- Autumn
- Cats
- Decaf Earl Grey tea
- 0.28 mm pens
I Do Not Like
- Caffeine
- Interoception
- Pizza
- Spiders
I Dream Of
- Creating a more sustainable and equitable world.
- Human rights for all people.
- A future in which artists are respected and remunerated fairly.
- Maintaining childlike wonder.
- Being able to recite the Tao Te Ching (道德經) in its entirety, in Mandarin.